Perpustakaan Comenius
The name "Comenius" was first adopted for the Perpustakaan Sekolah Kristen Calvin during the renovation of the library on the 12th floor at Calvin Tower, RMCI. Other names like "Marthurin Cordier" and "Multatuli" were also considered before finally settling on "Comenius".
Comenius (John Amos Comenius/Komensky, 1592-1670) has been honored as the "Father of Modern Education" because, in the approximately 16 centuries of serving the Word, no one has ever focused all their efforts on pedagogical service. Comenius' thoughts on the provision and implementation of education are striking.
The total area of Perpustakaan Comenius SMP-SMA located in 6th-floor is 292 square meters. Each library space offers a variety of amenities, such as quiet reading areas, individual study desks, group study tables, sofas, bean bags, Chromebooks, an Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC), and board games.
By the end of 2024, there were approximately:
• 1,400 collections in the Kindergarten-TK Library
• 11,200 collections in the Elementary School Library
• 7,400 collections in the Junior High School Library
• 7,900 collections in the Senior High School Library
• 420 collections in the Teacher's/Curriculum Library
The collection, curated by teachers and contributed by the SKC community, is expected to be relevant to the teaching and learning process as well as daily life at Sekolah Kristen Calvin.
Library Activities and Programs
Collaborating with teachers from each grade level, the Comenius Library offers a variety of activities and programs. Follow us on Instagram @perpust.comenius.skc for more information and updates!
Starting from a modest single bookcase, the Comenius Library at Sekolah Kristen Calvin has now amassed a collection of over 27,000 books and resources.
2008 - 2009
Perpustakaan Sekolah Kristen Calvin began its journey simultaneously with the establishment of SMP Kristen Calvin (SKC) in the RMCI Cultural Building, Kemayoran. Initially, the library consisted of a single bookcase and was managed by a teacher who also served as the librarian.
2009 - 2011
Perpustakaan Sekolah Kristen Clavin has grown alongside the expanding of elementary, middle, and high school levels in 2009. Located on the 2nd floor of the Calvin Tower, RMCI, Kemayoran, Perpustakaan Sekolah Kristen Calvin serves students from all grade levels. The SKC community, including teachers and parents, actively contributes to the library's operations.
2019 - 2023
To adapt to technological advancements, Perpustakaan Sekolah Kristen Calvin has begun transitioning from a two-card system to various trial school library systems within the school's local/internal network. The library space has also expanded into two separate locations: on the 3rd floor for the Perpustakaan SD Kristen Calvin and on the 12th floor for Perpustakaan SMP-SMA Kristen Calvin.
In mid-2019, a school library evaluation was conducted, and it was considered necessary to have human resources with a background in library science in order to manage the school library services more effectively and appropriately.
In 2020, the SKC Library also adapted to the prevailing pandemic conditions. The library provided a home book reservation service and offered limited access to borrowing and returning books, subject to health protocols.
Entering the 2021-2022 academic year, preparations began for collections for Kindergarten and Pre-School, as well as for the Curriculum/Teacher section. At the end of 2021, the SKC Library also began participating in government programs under the auspices of the National Library and the respective Education Departments to follow up on the relaxation of school library accreditation with a maximum score of C.
At the end of 2022, the library on the 12th floor (for SMP and SMA) was also developed in accordance with the guidance and direction of the Central Jakarta Senior High School supervisor at that time, with the aim of making the library's design and function more suitable for school library services.
The name "Comenius" was first assigned to the SKC Library during the renovation of the 12th-floor library. Other names such as Marthurin Cordier and Multatuli were also considered, but ultimately, "Comenius" was chosen.
Comenius (John Amos Comenius/Komensky, 1592-1670) has been honored as the "Father of Modern Education" because, in the approximately 16 centuries of serving the Word, no one has ever focused all their efforts on pedagogical service. Comenius' thoughts on the provision and implementation of education are striking.
Comenius (John Amos Comenius/Komensky, 1592-1670) has been honored as the "Father of Modern Education" because, in the approximately 16 centuries of serving the Word, no one has ever focused all their efforts on pedagogical service. Comenius' thoughts on the provision and implementation of education are striking.
Comenius's educational philosophy was grounded in theology, his experiences as a Czech citizen, and analogical thinking. His theological foundations included six themes: God's sovereignty, humanity, mystical faith, the church, discipline, and the Bible. His experiences as a refugee due to religious persecution in his homeland also shaped his views. Comenius's analogical approach led him to develop education based on natural processes, similar to those of a farmer or carpenter.
These three foundations underpinned Comenius's views on six enduring issues in Christian education: the purpose of education itself, the various stages of life as learning environments (school of infancy, school of childhood, school of adolescence, school of youth, school of adulthood, and school of old age), teachers, learners, curriculum, and Comenius's ten methodological principles for teaching.
Comenius also emphasized the importance of specially prepared textbooks for each grade level and school libraries as integral parts of the educational experience.
Comenius identified and addressed enduring problems in education. He is considered the first educator to recognize the holistic nature of educational service from birth to death.
Boehlke, Robert R.. 1996. Sejarah Perkembangan Pikiran dan Praktek Pendidikan Agama Kristen: dari Yohanes Amos Comenius sampai perkembangan PAK di Indonesia. Jakarta: Gunung Mulia.
2023 - Present
In mid-2023, the school library department also prepared to relocate to the new SKC school building in Sunter.
The 3rd floor houses the Comenius Kindergarten-TK Library and the Comenius Elementary School Library.
The 6th floor houses the Comenius Junior High School-Senior High School Library and the Teacher's (Curriculum) Library.