About Sekolah Kristen Calvin
A Christian school founded by Rev. Dr. Stephen Tong with a vision to shape Christian characters who are faithful, knowledgeable, and have a sense of responsibility as future leaders of the nation. To this end, Calvin Christian School aims to build the life stories of its students to become an integral part of the Christian community, the academic community, and the Indonesian nation.
Building a Story As a Christian Community
Calvin Christian School, encompassing elementary, middle, and high school levels, is a community of believers. Teachers and students interact beyond the formal teaching and learning process. Within this school, students are immersed in a miniature Christian community. They are invited to "taste" the beauty of being God's people as a community that learns to love and support each other in every aspect of a believer's life.
Calvin Christian School strives to create a family-like atmosphere, akin to a Christian family. In such an atmosphere, students are encouraged to grow together through various learning activities, including worship, morning devotions, small groups, and counseling. Through these activities, they learn to admonish, encourage, and pray for one another as a community of God's people.
Building a Narrative As Christian Learners
Calvin Christian School adopts a Christian perspective in teaching all subjects. Reformed theology believes that God has revealed Himself to humanity through both general and special revelation. Understanding special revelation (God's Word) is foundational to a correct understanding of general revelation (creation and all its aspects).
"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction."
Proverbs 1:7
"Education without values, as useful as it is, seems rather to make man a more clever devil."
C.S. Lewis
Building a Narrative As Indonesian Christians
Amidst the trend of international schools, Calvin Christian School has chosen to adopt the national curriculum. As an Indonesian school, Sekolah Kristen Calvin's educational goals are inextricably linked to its commitment to the nation, namely to prepare a younger generation that is aware of its responsibilities to the country. In this regard, History and Civics are not merely subjects to fulfill national curriculum requirements but serve as reflections on the Indonesian identity of the students.
They are encouraged to contribute to Indonesia by understanding the historical roots of their Indonesian identity, recognizing that God has placed them in this nation.
Similarly, Geography is not taught as a mere list of facts but as an understanding of Indonesia's rich natural resources and how to respond to them. Coupled with regular visits to historical, cultural, and natural sites, students are encouraged to appreciate their place as part of a rich and diverse nation.
Dedicated Teachers
The teaching staff of Calvin Christian School is led by Rev. Ivan Kristiono. A number of other ministers from the Indonesian Reformed Evangelical Church (GRII) are also involved as principals and teachers to strengthen the educational ministry of Calvin Christian School.
In addition to being graduates of reputable universities both domestically and internationally, the teachers of Calvin Christian School recognize their calling to serve the Lord in the field of education. They have chosen to serve the Lord and their fellow man through Calvin Christian School, not because they lacked promising job opportunities outside the field of education.
Continuous Improvement
In line with the spirit of the Reformation, semper reformanda, Calvin Christian School is committed to ongoing evaluation and improvement. This includes evaluating and improving the performance of teachers and staff, as well as enhancing administrative services.
To achieve this, Calvin Christian School provides continuous training for both teachers and staff. They are also encouraged and given opportunities to pursue further studies. Administratively, Calvin Christian School continues to refine its systems to provide even better services in the future.